Kamis, 01 November 2012


blognya, maka di blog ini akan saya bagi cara untuk membuat sejumlah logo untuk banner dengan menggunakan CorelDRAW. Insya Allah, setelah tutorial ini, saya akan mencoba untuk berbagi tutorial-tutorial menarik selanjutnya. Sebenarnya hampir semua seri CorelDRAW mampu digunakan untuk membuat logo dan banner di tutorial kali ini, namun saya memakai CorelDRAW X3 (karena belum mampu untuk membeli original copy CorelDRAW X4).
Baik, kita mulai saja tutorial untuk membuat “Shiny Ball Logo” ini.
Buat lingkaran dengan menggunakan Ellipse Tool (F7). untuk membuat lingkaran yang benar-benar bulat sebaiknya anda menggunakan kombinasi tombol keyboard Ctrl saat menarik mouse untuk membuat lingkaran.

Selanjutnya warnai lingkaran yang anda buat, dengan Fountain Fill (F11). Pilih Type : Radial untuk membuat circular color effects. Gunakan setting seperti pada gambar atau pilih warna sesuai dengan keinginan anda.
Kemudian buat dua buah elips yang lebih kecil untuk membuat efek shine. Jangan lupa untuk menghilangkan semua outline dengan meng-klik kanan No Color pada palet warna anda.

Putar elips kecil tadi kurang lebih sebesar 45 derajat dan demikian juga dengan elips yang satunya lagi. Hasilnya kurang lebih seperti gambar dibawah ini.Buat elips tadi menjadi curves untuk lebih mudah membentuknya seperti efek shine.
kemudian, dengan menggunakan Shape Tool (F10),
bentuklah kurang lebih seperti gambar dibawah ini.

Selanjutnya, Select elips yang anda buat barusan lalu berikan efek Interactive Transparency Tool.
Pilih Linear untuk memberikan efek transparansi searah.
Atur sedemikian rupa hingga terlihat efek anda diarahkan searah dengan bentuk dan kemiringan elips tadi.

Lakukan hal serupa dengan elips atas yang lebih kecil, hanya saja kali ini arahkan efeknya secara berlawanan.
Voila! sekarang shiny ball anda sudah selesai. tinggal anda tambahkan obyek dan efek-efek lain sesuai keinginan anda. Misalnya seperti dibawah ini.Mohon masukan dan kritiknya. Jika anda suka tutorial ini, semoga anda mau memberitahukannya pada kawan yang lain.
Selamat Mencoba!

Create Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw

Isn’t it very cool to create your own custom Liquid text effect to spice up your design or to impress your clients!
In this tutorial you will learn how to create a professional Liquid text effect with Coreldraw, learn to maximize the Interactive Shadow tool and water flashes to create a realistic water effects.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
Tutorial Details
* Program: CorelDraw 11 – X5
* Difficulty:
* Estimated Completion Time:45 minutes
Tutorial Assets
The following assets were used during the production of this tutorial.
Step 1 : Basic Elements First of all you have to use CorelDraw with version 11+. In this tutorial I use CorelDraw X5, Okay lets get started. Let’s take a look at the basic elements used to create our design :
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
This also will be our steps to create the design.
Step 2 : Creating Worksheet
Okay, now that you know the steps and elements, we will begin, first of all open your CorelDraw program, now create a new file, set the paper size to A4 and the units to centimeters.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
Step 3 : Creating the Liquid Text
Now that we have our worksheet set, we will begin to create the Liquid text, go to the “Text Tool” pick any type of font that you like but in this case I use basic “Arial Rounded” font.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
Break the font by pressing “Alt + A + B”, after its break convert it into object by pressing “Ctrl + Q”, we will begin to create the effect with the letter “L”.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
Go to the “Shape Tool”, and right click on the middle left side of the “L”, now you will see an arrow on the corners drag it in order to shape.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
Apply the same to the middle right side of the “L”.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
Apply it on all the side, shape it similar like below, we are basicaly editing the letter so it looks more “Fluids”.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
After that lets put color in it, go to the “Fountain Fill Tool” and apply the value below.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
Step 4 : Creating the Liquid Effect
After that go to the “Freehand Tool” and create a custom shape that flow into the left side of the “L” similar like below.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
Go to the “Drop Shadow Tool” put light blue color on the shadow and drag it to the left side of the “L”.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
Create another custom shape that wrap the bottom right side of the “L” using freehand tool.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
After that go to the”Drop Shadow Tool”put light blue color on the shadow and drag it to the left side of the “L”.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
Now break all the shadow by pressing “Ctrl + K”, and put the shadow inside the “L” using Effect > Powerclip > Place inside container.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
Copy it with different size similar like below untill it shaped like a heart pattern.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
Now create a custom needle shape using “Bezier Tool” similar like below.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
Shape it using “Shape Tool”, make sure you follow the flow of the “L”shape to create a natural water effect.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
After that go to the “Transparency Tool”, after the cursor turning into glass, drag it from bottom to top to create similar transparency.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
After that we are going to add details, create a star shape using “Bezier Tool” and put white color in it.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
Arrange the star on top of the flow shape that you previously create and apply the transparency value below.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
Now create a custom shape on the right bottom of the “L” using “Freehand Tool” make sure you follow the flow of the shape to create a natural effect.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
Go to the “Transparency Tool” and apply the value below to create similar.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
After that go to the “Ellipse Tool” and create a small circle to create a tiny bubble.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
After that using the same technique as above create more transparent custom shape to the upper side of the “L”.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
If you apply all the steps above it will look similar like below.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
Okay now we begin to edit the letter “i”.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
Go to the “Shape Tool” and shape the “i” similar like below so it will look more fluid.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
After that break the shape using”Ctrl + K”and select the bottom shape and put color in it by go to the “Fountain Fill Tool” and apply the value below.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
Select the dot and go to the “Fountain Fill Tool” and apply the value below.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
After that create a custom shape on the left side of the “i” using “Freehand Tool”.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
Go to the “Drop Shadow Tool”, put light blue color on the shadow and drag it on top of the “i”.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
Break the shadow by pressing “Ctrl + K” and put it inside the “i” using Effect > PowerClip > Place inside container.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
Okay similar to the “L”, create the water effect on the “i” make sure you follow the flow of the shape.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
You can copy the effect as much as you like to create more detailed water gloss.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
Now that you got the idea, using the same technique as above apply it to all the letters.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
Step 5 : Creating the Bubbles
Okay now we are going to add bubbles to the text, go to the “Ellipse Tool” and create a circle of any size.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
Put color in it by go to the “Fountain Fill Tool” and apply the value below.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
Add gloss effect to the circle using”Shape Tool”and”Transparency Tool”.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
After that arrange and resize the bubble anywhere on the Liquid text.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
Copy the bubbles as many as you like to make it more natural.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
Step 6 : Creating the Background
Okay now lets create the background, go to the “Rectangle Tool” and create a box shape with the size of “20 x 13 cm”.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
You can put any color that you like but in this case I use dark blue gradient to match it with the Liquid text.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
Now I need you to create a custom shape similar like below using “Bezier Tool”.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
Shape it using “Shape Tool” this will be our background texture.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
Put pink color in it, and go to the “Transparency Tool” and apply the value below.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
Now copy the shape into 3 and make different size for each.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
Now group the whole thing by pressing “Ctrl + G”, after that flip and copy it similar like below.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
Now insert the texture inside the background using “Effect > Powerclip > Place inside container”.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw
Final Image
And we are done, by using the same technique as above you can add more details to make it more natural like the final image below.
Liquid Text Effects with CorelDraw